Racism In Light Of The Gospel

I want to talk about Racism in America, which is scary to talk about now days because you will mostly likely be called a racist just by discussing it. Now true racism I haven’t personally seen or witness before, therefore I have concluded two things. First, either it points out the fact that I have been ignorant towards racism or secondly, it is such a small case of racism. In this case I believe it to be a little of both. I have been taught to view all people equal and made in the image of God. While Recognizing this I sometimes forget that not every one has been taught this or believes this view. I also believe that racism has been so abused and blown up by the media and organizations in order to create chaos and to some how profit off of it. It has also created this crying wolf problem, to take away from the fact of real racism. Take for instance, the Jussie Smollett case, faking abuse and racism from white trump supporters in order to gain the spot light. Not to mention others painting the other party/race/sex as the enemy and giving them a bad name over false claims. We will talk more about these issues below along with many others.

Guilt shaming based on skin color

This is another area that our culture has continued to push to make reality in the United States. Our Nation has continued to push shame and guilt on every who has resembled any past Injustice. People have gotten real good at assuming anyone who is a white male and Patriotic must be a KKK member or supports white supremacy. Everyone now day views everything through the raciest lens of white vs people of color, doesn’t matter what it is. If you are born white, you must have a step up or power over people of color, if your born a man, you must have power over women or transgender people, if your patriotic, it must mean you hate Immigrants. If you are pro-life, you must not respect women and their choices. They push shame onto others until they feel guilty. BLM and Critical Race Theory know nothing of Forgiveness because they know nothing of the Gospel. For in the Gospel we no longer live according to the flesh because we have been set free by the Death of Christ.

The Poison of Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory tells us that we are automatically racist because of our skin color, which is condemning. It also teaches us that we have to continuedly pay for the racism/sin of others just because we are both white. While setting up unrealistic ideas that we must all be equal across all areas of life, Which I do not understand. I will never be equal to Elon Musk, Cam Newton, or Hawkins in a earthly value way. This doesn’t offend or upset me because these are realistic facts. God created all people equal and made in His image However He created us all different, not the same. So why should I feel offended because others are created differently. However CRT would have you believe that because others are better off then some, that they must be the cause of it also know as oppressors. These oppressors in their minds must be made up of white, Christian, parotitic males or anyone who doesn’t support CRT/BLM. While they preach this message of oppressors, it sets everyone else in the category of victims/oppressed, which sows a great divide among people. One of the many issues with CRT is that it doesn’t operate on facts or truth however they base their truth on Personal experience. They hide behind the claim that what we are dealing with is complicated issues and the only truth that can explain these issues is my personal experience with them. This idea of experience being truth puts the ball in the victims court because they are the only ones who can experience this oppression. The issue with this is that truth does not change based on experience and truth doesn’t limit it self to only those who experience injustice. Another big issue with Critical Race Theory is their idea of privilege whether it be white privilege, male privilege, or economic privilege. They claim that those who have this so called “privilege” use it to create systems to oppress others, while maintaining their privilege. Believing this does nothing but cripples others into a victim and blame shifting society. It promotes discord among others more then anything, it separates everyone into individual classes(*hint this is where the oppressed and oppressor language comes from). It also places guilt and shame on anyone(*as long as they are oppressors) who has been blessed or have worked to gain these so called privileges. At the end of the day Critical Race Theory can not bring truth to the issues of racism nor can it solve them.

The Axe

Have you ever heard of the tree and the axe fable? Once there was a great forest with many trees that were very healthy and happy. One day a man discovered this forest, as he was walking about in the forest he heard a noise coming from a tree. He noticed that the noise was coming from a branch of the tree, he saw that it was crying and weeping. The man asked the branch “why are you crying, when you live in such a great forest”. The branch said to the man “I am sad because I’m lost among the trees, nobody sees me, nobody cares about me, and I am of no use to anyone”. The man felt bad about the branch and said to the branch “I am a craftsmen by trade, what if I could take you and turn you into the most beautiful wood craftsmanship that anyone has ever seen”. Hearing this the branch immediately cheered up with thought of having so much glory among the forest and the other branches. Branch said to the man “Yes! yes! yes! I would love to be made into such a thing, that would bring me great joy and I would finally be seen among the trees”. So the man took the branch back to his village to his workshop, to begin his work on the branch. After many days of reshaping, sanding, and polishing the branch, he had turned it into one of the most beautiful wooden handles anyone had ever seen. However his work wasn’t yet finished with the branch, he thought it was missing something. The man said to the branch “Do you want to be useful for the forest or for me and my village”? The branch replied back saying “Hmmm I come from the forest and that was were I was made but you have chosen me and given me attention. Hmmm I guess I would like to be useful to both you and the forest said the branch.” Once the man heard what was said by the branch, he knew exactly what the branch was missing. The man took a piece of iron and placed it on one end of the branch, he said to the branch “This will be the crown jewel of your handle, it will make you stand out among all the other handles and all the other branches will envy you”. Once he had finished working on the branch, he asked if the branch would like to go visit the forest. The branch jumped with joy for thought he could show off his new handle and the crown he had to the tree and the forest from which he came. So the very next day the man took the branch back to the forest, to be shown to all the trees. The branch was so excited to be reunited with his trees for he was finally going to be seen by all and be useful to all. But moments later the Branch learned that he wasn’t just made into a handle but that he was made into a axe. But it was to late they had already arrived at the forest, the man used the branch to chop down the entire forest from which the branch came. The End! But what if I told you this same story was being played out in todays world. Notice how the story could be read with the Trees/forest being the church and body of Christ. The Branches being the individual Christians, Pastors and Christian groups. The man being the world/todays culture. The Iron/Axe blade being CRT. This story helps explain how CRT is using Christians to harm Christians.

The Religion of Whiteness???

I have heard many crazy things in the past few years over the ideas of racism from many different people with different views and backgrounds. One of the craziest has been this idea of a Whiteness Religion, that every if not most white people are seeking ways to empower them self over others(any one who is suffering however big or small). They claim that because this system is white or this city is white or this government body is white, that it must be raciest and that if there is any Injustice in anyway it must be due to racism. Here below are some quotes and information on this idea of a whiteness type religion.

Whiteness has Caused Blindness of Heart

Eric Mason

I want to Sacrifice more of my preferences as a white pastor… I need to grow… I do not want to speak from the Bible on issues that are popular among white followers of Christ…. And I know, as a white pastor, I have blind spots, so I am part of the problem

David Platt
National Museum of African American History and Culture – Whiteness
A city public school principal is asking parents to “reflect” on their “whiteness” — passing out literature that extols “white traitors’’ who “dismantle institutions,”
https://youtu.be/frA2xvmjQOU This is what is being taught in our school systems to the next generation.

Books I would avoid reading White Fragility, White Awake, How to Be an Anti-Racist, Be The Bridge, or The Color of Compromise. All of these are filled with Critical Race Theory.

BLM Organization, Movement and Statement

“Black Lives Matter” can be summed up in three different categories. First one being the Organization, which was founded back in 2013 by three women. These 3 women are openly Marxist, Lesbians and users of witchcraft. The Organization has its roots founded in LGBTQIA+, Anti-Male, Anti-Christian and Anti-Family Beliefs. No Christian should support or stand with the Organization and its beliefs, for it is a false ideology. Lets talk about the Movement aspect of Black Lives Matter, Being protests, Reforms/laws and Justice. This one is a bit of a give and take, We should support peaceful protesting but not how they handled protesting in the past 2 years. They turn protesting into riots and calls of violence in the name of “So called Justice”. We should support Laws that hold people accountable for their actions but not before all evidence and facts are taken account of. We should as Christians seek true justice, in all areas of life at all times. However that justice is to be found in Christ not just the worlds view of justice. Along with justice we should seek truth in all things including movements such as this. Last we come to the statement that Black Lives Matter, As Christians we should not need a hashtag to realize that God created us all in his image with equal value. That as Christians we are all one in Christ, we no longer regard the flesh because Christ death has set us free from the flesh. To sum this up I believe that Christians should not be associated with BLM Organization, They should be on guard with the movements they support and they should always hold true to the Statement that All Lives Matter because all are created in the image of God.

Every tribe and language and people and nation

Race now days has become a dividing tool to separate people based on skin color, yet our God is a God of all people. Christians need to recognize that God created EVERYONE in his image and that Christ died for every tribe and nation. The Gospel is good news for all, not just southern white Christians. Satan would love to see the church divide right down the center on the issue of race, and I believe he is trying very hard to do that in America. We must open our eyes to this and avoid tearing one another down based on each others skin color and what has taken place in the past. The Bible said “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away” no longer our we to identify ourselves by the flesh(our previous identity=skin color). We should set our eyes on Christ and seek the truth through the Bible, not our nations laws. We need to recognize that the world we live in is broken and sinful beyond the repair that Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter and anything else that is offered. The only thing that saves us from sin is Salvation in Christ. The only thing that can restore us is Christ. The only thing that can give us Truth is God’s Word.

“No matter how much injustice I have suffered from the hands of other people, I have never suffered the slightest injustice from the hand of God.”


“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.” Proverbs 6:16-19

“The Christian life is a life of non-conformity.”


“My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory……. have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?” James 2:1,4

“There can be no reconciliation without justice.” When I hear that, I want to scream, “YES AND THE DEATH OF CHRIST IS THAT JUSTICE!” All other justice is proximate and insufficient

Voddie Baucham

“You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor. You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not stand up against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord. You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19:15-18

My hope in writing this article was to open your eyes to the evil that is sneaking into the church now days. To make warning against Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter, both of which in my eyes only serve to destroy/replace the Gospel. May we seek to understand everything through the lens of the Gospel.

Here are some links for further studies on these issues








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